The Commute

40 kilometres. That's approximately the distance I travel, each way, every work day. It's not that far when compared to the distance some people commute in other cities in Australia, however for me it feels like a fair chunk of my day is taken up on the trains. If I choose to drive to work, my commute time blows out from 45 minutes to over an hour each way. We seem to live in a time of constant roadworks and construction which adds to the delay. Don't even ask what happens when it rains!

Panoramic image shot on a Fujjfilm TX-1 with Acros 100 film

I've been using this time to read, catch up on photography news and listen to music. When the mood strikes, I'll pull out whatever camera I have on me and fire off a few frames here and there. It's a little daunting, having my camera out on the train. People don't seem to mind or notice, as most folks seem to keep to themselves. To be honest, if someone confronted me, it wouldn't be the first time nor will it be the last. I've got nothing to hide with my images, and happy to show and discuss what I'm doing with anyone interested.

I'm slowly working to turn this into a project, with the final aim to put together a small photobook or zine. Transperth have taken to sharing some of my images on instagram from time to time, so hopefully that will help this project going!

Images above:

  1. Long exposure of Perth Underground Murray Street exit with a fisheye lens
  2. A foggy start to the day at Clarkson Station
  3. Currambine Station at midnight
  4. A commuter catching up on sleep on the way to the city
  5. A traveller warming up in the sun at Perth Station